Days Drama Beat
Nicole tells EJ she's noticed all the noise coming from the basement. After dancing around it for just enough time to take us to a commercial break, she tells EJ that the jig is up.
When Days returns, leaving me thankful that I didn't injure my knees too badly when I landed on them after tumbling off the edge of my seat, Nicole explains to EJ that she knows what's actually happening in the basement. He's having a rubber room built for Johnny so at least when the poor kid keeps running into the wall because the one eye he has left can't see past that gigantic costume eyepatch he's wearing, he won't bruise any internal organs.
Okay, not exactly.
The point is that she thinks it's some sort of playroom for Johnny and we're supposed to believe that EJ was keeping that a secret from her for some reason. Oh, wait. I lied. The real point is that Days just wasted a bunch of my time.