Maggie, Hope, Chloe, Marlena, Kristen and Abigail need a serious intervention because they've got this whole strong, independent woman who stands by her man come hell or high water and goes after what she wants thing all wrong. If you're the one doing all the fighting, he's not worth fighting for. If a man or woman can't do the same by you that you do by them, hang a sign around their neck that says "Free to any home but mine" and call it a day. Daniel is so not worth holding onto. John is not worth holding onto right now either. I don't care if he has a plan to bring down Kristen. Yeah, okay - Marlena throws child-like temper tantrums sometimes, and she pouts so often you'd think there was a piano wire running through her bottom lip and screwed into the floor, but she's still an adult. If John has a plan, he should let Doc in on it instead of acting like a puckered old asshole. As for Daniel, that guy is probably the most high-maintenance significant other in all of Salem now that his daughter is gone. Mind you - Jennifer is coming in at a close second there.