Did I win a contest?
I'm not talking about the poll I won in regards to whether or not Sami and Rafe would make it a year out from under Cordiglay's thumb. I mean some sort of contest I may have forgotten I'd entered that won me the best two back-to-back episodes of Days I've seen in the longest time.
James Scott and Alison Sweeney were magnificent. I'm not sure how much choreography went into those fight scenes, but the whole thing had me awestruck. They were circling and striking out at each other like a couple of cobras, hoods flared, spitting venom. I loved every second of it. From the moment EJ crashed to the ground, Sami flying to his side so they could comfort each other, to the last lingering look that passed between them before Sami rushed home to see Johnny, I found that the whole thing progressed naturally, and it was VERY EJ and Sami.

Sami and EJ in the moment.